Calvert Landfill (Pits 4&5)

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Calvert Landfill Site
Site Location
Site Location

See SNRHW → page for a wider UK perspective.

Waste Licence BS8605IQ (BS8605IQ)
Operator FCC Waste Services (UK) Ltd


Year Total Void[1]
2018 2414458
2019 2186371
2020 1953890

Summary site information collated from a variety of sources
including: Monksleigh, Ellard Associates, EA, WasteDataFlow,
SEPA, NRW, DEFRA, BEIS and owner and developer websites


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Waste Tonnage, EWC List

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit BS8605IQ, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was last updated in Oct-24. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 111,680.71t.

EWC Code Description Tonnes In
02 01 06 animal faeces, urine and manure (including spoiled straw), effluent,collected separately and treated off-site 63.48
17 05 04 soil and stones other than those mentioned in 17 05 03 82940.29
17 09 04 mixed construction and demolition wastes other than those mentioned in 17 09 01, 17 09 02 and 17 09 03 21.92
19 02 06 sludges from physici/chemical treatment other than those mentioned in 19 02 05 2297.82
19 05 01 non-composted fraction of municipal and similar wastes 508.52
19 08 01 screenings 46.4
19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of waste other than those mentioned in 19 12 11 7269.76
20 03 01 mixed municpal waste 18522.16
20 03 07 bulky waste 10.36


  1. Units are in m3 for England and Wales, and Tonnes for Scotland.