Edinburgh City Council

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City of Edinburgh

Demographic Information

GSSCode: S12000036

Authority Type: UTA[1]

Country: Scotland

Region: Scotland

Disposal Authority: Edinburgh City Council

Population[2] 513,210
Land Area (ha)[3] 27,300.42
Population per ha 18.8

Key Metrics

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)

Metric Indicator
Number of HWRC(s) 3
Population per HWRC 171,070
Land Area per HWRC 9,100.14

Authority Reported Metrics

For reporting period: Jan22 - Dec22

Ranked Metrics

Metric Indicator Ranking
Percentage of waste Recycled, Organics or Prepared for Reuse (%) 37.10 27
Household Generated Waste (kg/pp) 366 2
Household Waste Carbon Impact (TCO2e/pp) 0.90 5

Unranked Metrics

Metric Indicator Percentage
Household Generated Waste (tonnes) 187,628.00 -
Management - Recycling
Recycled, Organics, Prepared for Reuse (tonnes) 69,656.00 37.10
• Recycled (tonnes) 40,125.00 21.40
• Organics Recycled (tonnes) 29,116.00 15.50
• Prepared for Reuse (tonnes) 414.00 0.20
Management - Other Diversion
Other diversion from Landfill (tonnes) 112,758.00 60.10
• Recovered by Co-Incineration (tonnes) 743.00 0.40
• Recovered by Incineration (tonnes) 79,256.00 42.20
• Disposed by Incineration (tonnes) 3,826.00 2.00
• Managed by Other Methods (tonnes) 28,934.00 15.40
Management - Landfill
Waste to Landfill (tonnes) 5,215.00 2.80
Carbon Impact
Household Waste Carbon Impact (TCO2e) 463,742 -

Collections Contract Information[4]

Collection Arrangements


Residual Collection: Fortnightly

Dry Recycleables: Fortnightly : Separate

  • Method of Segregation[6]: To be completed by Local Authority

Green Waste: Fortnightly : Separate : Charged

Food Waste: Weekly : Separate


Residual Collection: To be completed by Authority

Dry Recycleables: To be completed by Authority

  • Method of Segregation[6]: To be completed by Authority

Green Waste: To be completed by Authority

Food Waste: To be completed by Authority

Contract Arrangements

Residual Waste Collection: InHouse

Mixed Recycling Collections: OutSourced (Other)

Organic Waste Collection: OutSourced (Community Group)

Food Waste Collection: InHouse

Duration of Contract: 1

Contract Start Date: Ongoing/Rolling

Approximate Value: £13,211,700


William Tracey Gp.

Destination Information

Significant Tonnage Summary[8]

Data comes from WasteDataFlow for the period Jan21 - Dec21.

Stream Facility Operator Address Material Tonnes
Comingled recyclate Materials recovery facility Not Available Not Available Co mingled materials 25439.63
Food waste Anaerobic or Aerobic Digestion Segregated Not Available Not Available Waste food only 10594.83
Green waste Windrow or other composting Not Available Not Available Green garden waste only 24210.47
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery Not Available Not Available NA 112541.19
Residual waste Non-hazardous landfill Not Available Not Available Aggregates 5216.90
Residual waste Other Method Not Available Not Available NA 3532.89
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Mixed glass 13551.55
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Brown glass 9535.93
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Clear glass 9535.93
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Green glass 9535.93
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Rubble 5502.30
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Paper 4651.30
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Card 4582.30
Source segregated recyclate Other Method Not Available Not Available Composite wood materials 3326.18
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Not Available Not Available Wood 2165.56


  1. Authority Type Abreviations:
    • UTA - Unitary Authority
    • DIS - District
    • MTD - Metropolitan District
    • LBO - London Borough
    • CTY - County Council
  2. Source: ONS mid 2018 projection
  3. Source: Ordnance Survey boundry line data 2019
  4. Data initially populated from propriatory database.
  5. These arrangements are for the primary arrangements in an area. Primary is defined as the arrangements given to the most households in an area.
  6. 6.0 6.1 This should detail the Kerbside Collection Scheme operated by the LA e.g. co-mingled, twin stream or source segregated.
  7. Due to the diverse nature of housing stock within a local authority's juristriction most LAs operate secondary collection arrangements to accommodate for this difference in housing e.g. houses, flats etc
  8. Tonnages under 2000 tonnes have been screened out.