West London Waste Disposal Authority

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Demographic Information

GSSCode: E50000003

Authority Type: WDA[1]

Country: England

Region: London

Disposal Authority: West London Waste Disposal Authority

Population[2] 1,687,841
Land Area (ha)[3] 38,028.75
Population per ha 44.383

Key Metrics

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)

Metric Indicator
Number of HWRC(s) 8
Population per HWRC 210,980
Land Area per HWRC 4,753.59

Authority Reported Metrics

For reporting period (Financial Year April to March): 2022-23

Ranked Metrics

Metric Indicator Ranking
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (Ex NI192) 36.1 231
Collected household waste per person (kg/pp) (Ex BVPI 84a) 306.0 34

Unranked Metrics

Metric Indicator
Local Authority Collected and Household Waste Statistics
Local Authority Collected Waste
  Total Waste (tonnes) 632,337
    • Sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 203,440
    • Not sent for recycling (tonnes) 428,897
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 14,800
  Total waste (tonnes) 541,999
  Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 195,609
    • Dry recycling-reuse (tonnes) 118,536
    • Green recycling-reuse (tonnes) 77,073
  Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 346,389
    • Regular collection (not recycled) (tonnes) 256,430
    • Civic amenity sites (not recycled) (tonnes) 39,615
    • Other sources (not recycled) (tonnes) 35,543
    Estimated rejects (tonnes) 14,800
  Total waste (tonnes) 90,338
    • Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 7,831
    • Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 82,508
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 0
Management of Local Authority Collected Waste
  To Landfill (tonnes) 1,148
  To Incineration with Energy from Waste (tonnes) 421,093
  To Incineration without Energy from Waste (tonnes) 351
  To Recycled - Composted (tonnes) 203,440
  To Other Routes (tonnes) 9,393
  Input to intermediate plants (tonnes) 34,398
Government Metrics - Selected Waste Indicators
  Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (Ex NI191) 503.1
  Percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (Ex NI193) 0.2

Destination Information

Significant Tonnage Summary[4]

Data comes from WasteDataFlow for the period Apr21 - Mar22.

Stream Facility Operator Address Material Tonnes
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd Severside Energy Recovery Centre, Severn Road, Hallen, Avon NA 288802.64
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery Lakeside Energy From Waste Limited Lakeside Energy From Waste Facility, Lakeside Road, Colnbrook, Berkshire NA 86651.73
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery WTI UK Ltd, Kemsley Sustainable Energy Plant EPR/XP3637VX Kemsley Sustainable Energy Plant, SITTINGBOURNE, Kent NA 48915.86
Residual waste Other Method Site details not known Unknown NA 16918.84
Residual waste Mechanical Biological treatment Biffa Waste Services Limited Brookhurst Wood Aggregate Treatment & Recycling Facility, Brookhurst Wood Landfill Site, Langhurstwood Road, Warnham, West Sussex NA 3353.42


  1. Authority Type Abreviations:
    • UTA - Unitary Authority
    • DIS - District
    • MTD - Metropolitan District
    • LBO - London Borough
    • CTY - County Council
  2. Source: ONS mid 2018 projection
  3. Source: Ordnance Survey boundry line data 2019
  4. Tonnages under 2000 tonnes have been screened out.