MRF Regulations

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Revision as of 13:34, 11 October 2021 by Northern Chick (talk | contribs) (→‎Introduction: new text)

The MRF Code of Practice (MRF CoP) was published in February 2013 and required all material recovery facilities over a certain size to measure the quality of their inputs and outputs[1].


The MRF Code of Practice (MRF CoP) was published in February 2013 and required all material recovery facilities over a certain size to measure the quality of their inputs and outputs. The MRF CoP introduced a new requirement to make all results from these tests publically available, for example to businesses buying the material as well as to Local Authorities and others who supply material to the MRFs [1]. It did not set any minimum quality standards.

MRF Code

The MRF Code of Practice is enacted through Sch 9 of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 which has now been transposed into the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. The requirements took effect from 1 Oct 2014 and required that MRFs to whom the regulations applied must[2]:

  • sample and test the materials they receive and send out
  • record the information
  • report every 3 months to the regulator
