Buckinghamshire Council

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Revision as of 14:09, 11 March 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Page update changes)

Buckinghamshire County

Demographic Information

GSSCode: E10000002

Authority Type: CTY[1]

Country: England

Region: South East

Disposal Authority: Buckinghamshire County Council

Population[2] 535,918
Land Area (ha)[3] 156,494.91
Population per ha 3.425

Key Metrics

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)

Metric Indicator
Number of HWRC(s) 5
Population per HWRC 45,760
Land Area per HWRC 4,112.06

Authority Reported Metrics

For reporting period (Financial Year April to March): 2022-23

Ranked Metrics

Metric Indicator Ranking
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (Ex NI192) 49.6 69
Collected household waste per person (kg/pp) (Ex BVPI 84a) 393.2 263

Unranked Metrics

Metric Indicator
Local Authority Collected and Household Waste Statistics
Local Authority Collected Waste
  Total Waste (tonnes) 230,071
    • Sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 113,618
    • Not sent for recycling (tonnes) 116,454
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 6,488
  Total waste (tonnes) 222,031
  Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 110,047
    • Dry recycling-reuse (tonnes) 60,145
    • Green recycling-reuse (tonnes) 49,902
  Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 111,984
    • Regular collection (not recycled) (tonnes) 83,148
    • Civic amenity sites (not recycled) (tonnes) 10,579
    • Other sources (not recycled) (tonnes) 11,769
    Estimated rejects (tonnes) 6,488
  Total waste (tonnes) 8,040
    • Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 3,571
    • Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 4,469
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 0
Management of Local Authority Collected Waste
  To Landfill (tonnes) 322
  To Incineration with Energy from Waste (tonnes) 111,164
  To Incineration without Energy from Waste (tonnes) 2,224
  To Recycled - Composted (tonnes) 113,618
  To Other Routes (tonnes) 426
  Input to intermediate plants (tonnes) 68
Government Metrics - Selected Waste Indicators
  Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (Ex NI191) 477.3
  Percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (Ex NI193) 0.1

Destination Information

Significant Tonnage Summary[4]

Stream Facility Operator Address Material Tonnes


  1. Authority Type Abreviations:
    • UTA - Unitary Authority
    • DIS - District
    • MTD - Metropolitan District
    • LBO - London Borough
    • CTY - County Council
  2. Source: ONS mid 2018 projection
  3. Source: Ordnance Survey boundry line data 2019
  4. Tonnages under 2000 tonnes have been screened out.