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WAMITAB (the Waste Management Industry Training & Advisory Board) is an awarding organisation and charity that develops qualifications for those working in: waste management and recycling, cleaning and street cleansing, facilities management and parking. Working directly with industry leaders to shape and deliver employer-led qualifications that provide individuals with fit-for-purpose skills for the workplace [1].

Formed in 1989, they are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting technical competence in the industry via regulated programmes, accreditation of in-house training schemes and on-the-job assessment tools [2] WAMITAB was established in 1989 by CIWM and other waste sector trade bodies. Solely owned by [[CIWM] since 2017, it is a not-for-profit body with charitable status and its own Board of Trustees.

[[CIWM] Merge

A full merger of the two organisations is expected at the end of 2021, with [[CIWM] taking over the development and awarding of WAMITAB’s portfolio of qualifications in January 2022[3]