
From Wikiwaste
Revision as of 13:15, 6 April 2020 by Arctellion (talk | contribs)

02 Waste From Agricultural, Horticultural, Hunting, Fishing And Primary Production, Food Preparation And Processing

02 01 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

02 01 01 sludges from washing and cleaning
02 01 02 animal-tissue waste
02 01 03 plant-tissue waste
02 01 04 waste plastics (except packaging)
02 01 06 animal faeces, urine and manure (including spoiled straw), effluent, collected separately and treated off-site
02 01 07 wastes from forestry
02 01 08* agrochemical waste containing hazardous substances
02 01 09 agrochemical waste other than those mentioned in 02 01 08
02 01 10 waste metal
02 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified

02 02 wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origin

02 02 01 sludges from washing and cleaning
02 02 02 animal-tissue waste
02 02 03 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 02 04 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
02 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified

02 03 wastes from fruit, vegetables, cereals, edible oils, cocoa, coffee, tea and tobacco preparation and processing; conserve production; yeast and yeast extract production, molasses preparation and fermentation

02 03 01 sludges from washing, cleaning, peeling, centrifuging and separation
02 03 02 wastes from preserving agents
02 03 03 wastes from solvent extraction
02 03 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 03 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
02 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified

02 04 wastes from sugar processing 02 04 01 soil from cleaning and washing beet

02 04 02 off-specification calcium carbonate
02 04 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
02 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified

02 05 wastes from the dairy products industry

02 05 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 05 02 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
02 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified

02 06 wastes from the baking and confectionery industry

02 06 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 06 02 wastes from preserving agents
02 06 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
02 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified

02 07 wastes from the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (except coffee, tea and cocoa)

02 07 01 wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical reduction of raw materials
02 07 02 wastes from spirits distillation
02 07 03 wastes from chemical treatment
02 07 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
02 07 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
02 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified