Key Metrics are used to give an indicator of how an authority is performing.

The Metrics are broken down into 2 main groupings ranked and unranked. The ranked metrics are those which are commonly used in comparison tables between Authorities, these are consistent across the 3 governmental regions. The unranked metrics are the rest of the metrics that are reported by the relevant Governmental Authority, other than those featuring in the ranked table.

English Metrics

The table is based on data entered by Local Authorities onto WasteDataFlow for each quarterly return. WasteDataFlow is a web-based system for quarterly reporting on Local Authority Collected Waste data by Local Authorities to central government. It was also used by the Environment Agency for monitoring biodegradable waste sent to landfill under the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme. The data has been pulled from the Governments own publication[1] regarding these statistics.

Local Authority Collected and Household Waste

Figures for Waste Disposal Authorities include all waste collected for Recycling or Disposal by the WDA and their constituent Waste Collection Authorities. The totals in this section are based on collected Local Authority Collected Waste.

Management of Local Authority Collected Waste

The numbers in this section are based on Local Authority Collected Waste that is disposed or sent for Recycling or Composting.

Selected Waste Indicators

  • The National Indicator set for Local Authorities was discontinued in 2012, and the performance framework they were intended to monitor does not exist any more, they are included by the Government because of popular demand.



Welsh statistics come from stats wales [2] Household waste includes regular household collections, civic amenity site waste, waste collected for recycling/composting and waste from special collections, such as collections of bulky household waste. Where local authorities collect non-household waste (i.e. from a business, school etc.) in the same collection round as household waste, it may not be possible for them to provide an accurate split between the household and non-household waste collected. Non-household waste prepared for reuse/recycled/composted includes local authority collected materials from commercial sources. This includes waste collected by private and voluntary organisations. Local authority municipal waste includes waste collected from household and non-household sources, but excludes abandoned vehicles.
