Fly Ash

Revision as of 15:42, 12 November 2019 by MCWaste (talk | contribs) (Added reference)

Fly ash and APC (Air Pollution Control) residues are the by-products of the flue gas cleaning process and are commonly combined. Fly Ash, which is a light-weight ash, can be recovered and used in a manufacturing process, such as cement manufacture. APC residue is typically a mixture of ash, carbon and lime. It is a Hazardous Waste which is currently disposed of at a Hazardous Waste Landfill or undergoes further processing such as washing or stabilisation to send to a Non-Hazardous Landfill[1].


  1. WRAP, 2019. EfW Outputs and Residues Guidance on the management of energy outputs and residues including air pollution control residues and incinerator bottom ash. [online] EfW Development Guidance. Available at: [Accessed 30 Oct. 2019]