List of the EWC Codes for Chapter 13 of the European Waste Catalogue

13 Oil Wastes And Wastes Of Liquid Fuels (except edible oils, and those in chapters 05, 12 and 19)

13 01 waste hydraulic oils

13 01 01* hydraulic oils, containing PCBs
13 01 04* chlorinated emulsions
13 01 05* non-chlorinated emulsions
13 01 09* mineral-based chlorinated hydraulic oils
13 01 10* mineral based non-chlorinated hydraulic oils
13 01 11* synthetic hydraulic oils
13 01 12* readily biodegradable hydraulic oils
13 01 13* other hydraulic oils

13 02 waste engine, gear and lubricating oils

13 02 04* mineral-based chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils
13 02 05* mineral-based non-chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils
13 02 06* synthetic engine, gear and lubricating oils
13 02 07* readily biodegradable engine, gear and lubricating oils
13 02 08* other engine, gear and lubricating oils

13 03 waste insulating and heat transmission oils

13 03 01* insulating or heat transmission oils containing PCBs
13 03 06* mineral-based chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils other than those mentioned in 13 03 01
13 03 07* mineral-based non-chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils
13 03 08* synthetic insulating and heat transmission oils
13 03 09* readily biodegradable insulating and heat transmission oils
13 03 10* other insulating and heat transmission oils

13 04 bilge oils

13 04 01* bilge oils from inland navigation
13 04 02* bilge oils from jetty sewers
13 04 03* bilge oils from other navigation

13 05 oil/water separator contents

13 05 01* solids from grit chambers and oil/water separators
13 05 02* sludges from oil/water separators
13 05 03* interceptor sludges
13 05 06* oil from oil/water separators
13 05 07* oily water from oil/water separators
13 05 08* mixtures of wastes from grit chambers and oil/water separators

13 07 wastes of liquid fuels

13 07 01* fuel oil and diesel
13 07 02* petrol
13 07 03* other fuels (including mixtures)

13 08 oil wastes not otherwise specified

13 08 01* desalter sludges or emulsions
13 08 02* other emulsions
13 08 99* wastes not otherwise specified