Four Ashes MRF
Veolia ES Ltd
Site Location
Site Location

See Qualifying MRF → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Tonnage Summary
Data 2020
EA Tonnage IN 80,507.69
EA Tonnage OUT 78,193.91
Qualifying IN 72,130.05
Qualifying OUT 60,252.62


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Permit Tonnage Received (IN)

Total Tonnage by EWC Code

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit 42150, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was updated on Jan 21 - Dec 21. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 80,507.69t.

EWC Code Description Tonnes In
15 01 06 mixed packaging 46,502.06
20 03 01 mixed municipal waste 34,005.63

Total Tonnage by Origin of EWC Code

The table below shows the same data as the table above, but split according to the origin of each EWC code waste stream entering into the site as reported to the Regulator.

EWC Code Origin of Waste Tonnes In
15 01 06 London 7,849.06
15 01 06 West Midlands 38,653.00
20 03 01 West Midlands 34,005.63

Permit Tonnage Sent Out (OUT)

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit 42150, that has left the site as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was updated on Jan 21 - Dec 21. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 78,193.91t.

EWC Code Description Tonnes In
19 12 02 ferrous metal 4,252.32
19 12 03 non-ferrous metal 1,700.18
19 12 04 plastic and rubber 15,742.42
19 12 05 glass 44,788.13
19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of wastes other than those mentioned in 19 12 11 11,709.74
20 01 39 plastics 1.12

Qualifying MRF Tonnage Received

During 2020 the site received 72,130t as qualifying material, as broken down below.

Quarter Supplier Tonnage Number of Samples Total Samples Weight (kg) Glass (%) Metal (%) Paper (%) Plastic (%) Overall (%) Non Target Material (%) Non Recycleable Material (%)
Jan-Mar Birmingham 8110.90 65 6268.47 51.85 7.74 8.74 30.46 90.05 8.74 1.21
Jan-Mar Telford and Wrekin 2828.66 23 1881.35 28.40 20.47 9.30 34.31 83.18 9.30 7.52
Jan-Mar Shropshire 4351.44 35 3884.33 18.80 24.94 7.38 42.33 86.07 7.38 6.55
Apr-Jun Shropshire 4503.80 39 3584.29 20.99 26.35 7.73 41.94 89.28 7.73 2.99
Apr-Jun Telford and Wrekin 2987.72 26 1931.04 24.55 21.84 9.78 36.19 82.58 9.78 7.64
Apr-Jun Birmingham 9231.32 80 8098.44 56.45 7.53 7.44 27.39 91.37 7.44 1.19
Apr-Jun Stafford 2391.60 20 1280.51 18.63 22.01 15.67 38.20 78.84 15.67 5.49
Jul-Sep Telford and Wrekin 3128.40 26 1582.31 16.50 27.39 10.24 39.86 83.75 10.24 6.01
Jul-Sep Stafford 2430.40 21 1502.54 19.10 20.04 15.55 40.97 80.11 15.55 4.34
Jul-Sep Birmingham 7776.01 63 4333.68 37.08 11.88 11.48 37.11 86.06 11.48 2.46
Jul-Sep Croydon 630.04 6 723.20 23.40 14.69 9.09 44.41 82.49 9.09 8.42
Jul-Sep Shropshire 5141.98 49 3952.59 18.43 25.08 8.13 44.94 88.45 8.13 3.42
Oct-Dec Birmingham 7906.94 67 7047.73 43.49 10.47 17.27 25.87 79.83 17.27 2.90
Oct-Dec Croydon 1936.32 17 1778.05 43.97 13.13 6.17 34.10 91.20 6.17 2.63
Oct-Dec Stafford 1974.28 17 1200.09 29.28 17.48 13.81 35.24 81.99 13.81 4.20
Oct-Dec Telford and Wrekin 2726.32 34 3266.22 50.14 14.24 7.06 23.73 88.11 7.06 4.83
Oct-Dec Shropshire 4073.92 63 6028.77 53.58 15.06 6.02 23.44 92.07 6.02 1.91

Qualifying MRF Tonnage Sent Out

During 2020 the site removed60,253t of qualifying material, as broken down below.

Quarter Material Tonnage Number of Samples Total Samples Weight Target Material (%) Non Target Material (%) Non Recycleable Material (%)
Apr-Jun Plastic 3729.68 250 7066.54 90.70 7.69 1.61
Apr-Jun Metal 1135.66 105 2262.46 97.24 1.97 0.79
Apr-Jun Metal 470.24 106 1844.01 97.89 2.00 0.11
Apr-Jun Glass 10444.98 210 3993.16 94.32 4.55 1.13
Jan-Mar Plastic 3126.38 180 5728.87 87.18 8.76 4.06
Jan-Mar Metal 943.86 91 1746.72 96.45 0.42 3.13
Jan-Mar Glass 8795.18 177 3060.80 91.72 2.84 5.44
Jan-Mar Metal 380.50 92 1677.36 95.96 0.57 3.47
Jul-Sep Metal 1021.04 115 2151.41 96.18 3.04 0.78
Jul-Sep Metal 572.96 114 1957.48 96.23 3.51 0.26
Jul-Sep Plastic 3601.76 312 9881.34 67.86 6.82 25.32
Jul-Sep Glass 11023.86 306 5086.38 76.70 3.65 19.65
Oct-Dec Glass 9686.04 295 4822.40 78.66 3.55 17.79
Oct-Dec Plastic 3862.30 280 8797.36 76.68 9.58 13.74
Oct-Dec Metal 1077.76 107 1817.36 96.19 3.12 0.69
Oct-Dec Metal 380.42 106 1670.18 98.53 1.05 0.42
