Metric |
Total local authority collected waste (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "tlacw" has been set.
Household - total waste (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhtw" has been set.
Household - waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhrecyre" has been set.
Household dry recycling-reuse (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhdryrec" has been set.
Household green recycling-reuse (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhgrnrec" has been set.
Household - waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhnotrec" has been set.
Household - regular collection (not recycled) (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhregnorec" has been set.
Household - civic amenity sites (not recycled) (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhcanorec" has been set.
Household - other sources (not recycled) (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhothrnorec" has been set.
Household - estimated rejects (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "hhrecject" has been set.
Non-household - total waste (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "nhhtw" has been set.
Non-household - waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "nhhrecyreu" has been set.
Non-household - waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "nhhrecy" has been set.
Non-household - estimated rejects (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "nhhreject" has been set.
Local authority collected waste - sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "lacwrecy" has been set.
Local authority collected waste - not sent for recycling (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "lacwnotrecy" has been set.
Local authority collected - estimated rejects (tonnes) |
Error: no local variable "lacwreject" has been set.
Disposal to Landfilled |
Error: no local variable "displf" has been set.
Disposal to Incineration with EfW |
Error: no local variable "dispefw" has been set.
Disposal to Incineration without EfW |
Error: no local variable "dispnoefw" has been set.
Disposal to Recycled- Composted |
Error: no local variable "dispcomp" has been set.
Disposal to Other Routes |
Error: no local variable "dispothr" has been set.
Input to intermediate plants |
Error: no local variable "iputinter" has been set.
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (Ex NI191) |
Error: no local variable "rhhwphh" has been set.
Percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill (Ex NI193) |
Error: no local variable "muntolfpc" has been set.