Kent County Council

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Kent County

Demographic Information

GSSCode: E10000016

Authority Type: CTY[1]

Country: England

Region: South East

Disposal Authority: Kent County Council

Population[2] 1,554,636
Land Area (ha)[3] 363,710.35
Population per ha 4.274

Key Metrics

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)

Metric Indicator
Number of HWRC(s) 18
Population per HWRC 86,369
Land Area per HWRC 20,206.13

Authority Reported Metrics

For reporting period (Financial Year April to March): 2022-23

Ranked Metrics

Metric Indicator Ranking
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (Ex NI192) 42.1 152
Collected household waste per person (kg/pp) (Ex BVPI 84a) 403.8 280

Unranked Metrics

Metric Indicator
Local Authority Collected and Household Waste Statistics
Local Authority Collected Waste
  Total Waste (tonnes) 650,792
    • Sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 275,025
    • Not sent for recycling (tonnes) 375,767
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 17,357
  Total waste (tonnes) 643,857
  Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 270,982
    • Dry recycling-reuse (tonnes) 154,596
    • Green recycling-reuse (tonnes) 116,386
  Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 372,875
    • Regular collection (not recycled) (tonnes) 280,320
    • Civic amenity sites (not recycled) (tonnes) 43,831
    • Other sources (not recycled) (tonnes) 31,367
    Estimated rejects (tonnes) 17,357
  Total waste (tonnes) 6,935
    • Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 4,044
    • Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 2,891
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 0
Management of Local Authority Collected Waste
  To Landfill (tonnes) 4,219
  To Incineration with Energy from Waste (tonnes) 368,588
  To Incineration without Energy from Waste (tonnes) 165
  To Recycled - Composted (tonnes) 275,025
  To Other Routes (tonnes) 12,786
  Input to intermediate plants (tonnes) 32,014
Government Metrics - Selected Waste Indicators
  Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (Ex NI191) 530.7
  Percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (Ex NI193) 0.6

Destination Information

Significant Tonnage Summary[4]

Data comes from WasteDataFlow for the period Apr21 - Mar22.

Stream Facility Operator Address Material Tonnes
Green waste Windrow or other composting Michael Taylor, Douglas Taylor & Pamela Taylor Hope Farm, Crete Road East, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent Green garden waste only 8472.86
Green waste In vessel composting New Earth Solutions ( Kent ) Ltd Blaise Farm Quarry, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent Green garden waste only 6182.21
Green waste Windrow or other composting T J Composting Ltd Cookham Road, Swanley, Kent Green garden waste only 2579.40
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery Kent Enviropower Ltd Allington Quarry, Laverstoke Road, Maidstone, Kent NA 320314.40
Residual waste RDF, autoclave, MHT or similar Countrystyle Recycling Limited Countrystyle Recycling Ltd, Building 17, Ridham Docks, Nr Sittingbourne, Kent NA 25546.54
Residual waste Residual waste MRF Thanet Waste Services Limited Richborough Park, Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent NA 7380.22
Residual waste RDF, autoclave, MHT or similar Veolia Environmental Services (UK) PLC East Kent Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Facility, Unit 3, Canterbury Industrial Park, Island Road, Hersden, Kent NA 3792.33
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery Riverside Resource Recovery Ltd Riverside Resource Recovery Facility, Norman Road, Belvedere, Bexley, Kent NA 2205.82
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery FCC Recycling (UK) Limited Greatmoor EfW, Edgcott, Buckinghamshire NA 2073.22
Residual waste Residual waste MRF Biffa Waste Services Limited Brookhurst Wood Aggregate Treatment & Recycling Facility, Brookhurst Wood Landfill Site, Langhurstwood Road, Warnham, West Sussex NA 2012.12
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Countrystyle Recycling Ltd Countrystyle Recycling Ltd, Ridham Dock Rd, Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent Mixed glass 16882.48
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Countrystyle Recycling Ltd Countrystyle Recycling Ltd, Ridham Dock Rd, Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent Plasterboard 16882.48
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Countrystyle Recycling Ltd Countrystyle Recycling Ltd, Ridham Dock Rd, Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent Wood 16736.26
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) MVV Environment Ridham Limited Ridham Dock Biomass Facility, Lord Nelson Road, Ridham dock, Sittingbourne, Kent Wood 5213.97
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Smurfit Kappa UK Ltd Mill Street, Kent Card 4612.05
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Smurfit Kappa UK Ltd Mill Street, Kent Mixed paper & card 4612.05
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Ling Metals Ltd Parham Rd, Riverdale Industrial Esta, Canterbury, Kent Automotive batteries 3285.40
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Ling Metals Ltd Parham Rd, Riverdale Industrial Esta, Canterbury, Kent Post consumer, non automotive batteries 3285.40
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Ling Metals Ltd Parham Rd, Riverdale Industrial Esta, Canterbury, Kent WEEE - Fridges & Freezers 3285.40
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Ling Metals Ltd Parham Rd, Riverdale Industrial Esta, Canterbury, Kent WEEE - Large Domestic App 3285.40
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) Ling Metals Ltd Parham Rd, Riverdale Industrial Esta, Canterbury, Kent WEEE - Small Domestic App 3285.40


  1. Authority Type Abreviations:
    • UTA - Unitary Authority
    • DIS - District
    • MTD - Metropolitan District
    • LBO - London Borough
    • CTY - County Council
  2. Source: ONS mid 2018 projection
  3. Source: Ordnance Survey boundry line data 2019
  4. Tonnages under 2000 tonnes have been screened out.