Energy Works (Hull)

From Wikiwaste
Revision as of 15:08, 10 September 2024 by Bin52 (talk | contribs)

An EfW facility based upon Gasification technology and presently in advanced construction/commissioning and reported in August 2024 as being stopped in operationCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag. Three former directors of MW High Tech Projects UK are presently being sued by the company for entering into the contract at £154m when it is alleged it should have been in excess of this figure[1].

Waste Input

The plant is designed to run on RDF manufactured from residual Household Waste and Commercial Waste, with some preparation on site. The majority of supply has been underpinned by a contract with Geminor who will aggregate tonnage, including that from Hull City Council[2].
