Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

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Solihull District

Demographic Information

GSSCode: E08000029

Authority Type: MTD[1]

Country: England

Region: West Midlands

Disposal Authority: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Population[2] 214,909
Land Area (ha)[3] 17,786.78
Population per ha 12.08

Key Metrics

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)

Metric Indicator
Number of HWRC(s) 1
Population per HWRC 213,933
Land Area per HWRC 17,828.21

Authority Reported Metrics

For reporting period (Financial Year April to March): 2022-23

Ranked Metrics

Metric Indicator Ranking
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (Ex NI192) 41.5 163
Collected household waste per person (kg/pp) (Ex BVPI 84a) 403.9 283

Unranked Metrics

Metric Indicator
Local Authority Collected and Household Waste Statistics
Local Authority Collected Waste
  Total Waste (tonnes) 92,914
    • Sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 39,830
    • Not sent for recycling (tonnes) 53,084
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 3,328
  Total waste (tonnes) 88,044
  Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 36,522
    • Dry recycling-reuse (tonnes) 20,344
    • Green recycling-reuse (tonnes) 16,178
  Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 51,522
    • Regular collection (not recycled) (tonnes) 38,691
    • Civic amenity sites (not recycled) (tonnes) 3,716
    • Other sources (not recycled) (tonnes) 5,788
    Estimated rejects (tonnes) 3,328
  Total waste (tonnes) 4,870
    • Waste sent for recycling-composting-reuse (tonnes) 3,308
    • Waste not sent for recycling (tonnes) 1,562
  Estimated rejects (tonnes) 0
Management of Local Authority Collected Waste
  To Landfill (tonnes) 3,699
  To Incineration with Energy from Waste (tonnes) 48,708
  To Incineration without Energy from Waste (tonnes) 0
  To Recycled - Composted (tonnes) 39,830
  To Other Routes (tonnes) 676
  Input to intermediate plants (tonnes) 3,965
Government Metrics - Selected Waste Indicators
  Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (Ex NI191) 541.4
  Percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (Ex NI193) 4.0

Collections Contract Information[4]

Collection Arrangements


Residual Collection: Weekly

Dry Recycleables: Fortnightly : Mixed

  • Method of Segregation[6]: To be completed by Local Authority

Green Waste: Fortnightly : Separate : Not Charged

Food Waste: None : Separate


Residual Collection: To be completed by Authority

Dry Recycleables: To be completed by Authority

  • Method of Segregation[6]: To be completed by Authority

Green Waste: To be completed by Authority

Food Waste: To be completed by Authority

Contract Arrangements

Residual Waste Collection: OutSourced (Veolia)

Mixed Recycling Collections: OutSourced (Veolia)

Organic Waste Collection: OutSourced (Veolia)

Food Waste Collection: [[NNA]

Duration of Contract: 8

Contract Start Date: 2022

Approximate Value: £14,000,000 per annum


Contract was originally with Amey Cespa Ltd but in Apr 2021 Amey handed the contract over to Urbaser to continue.

Destination Information

Significant Tonnage Summary[8]

Data comes from WasteDataFlow for the period Apr21 - Mar22.

Stream Facility Operator Address Material Tonnes
Comingled recyclate Materials recovery facility Suez Recycling & Recovery UK Ltd. Suez Recycling & Recovery Ltd. Landor Street SRF, Birmingham, NA 13504.96
Green waste Windrow or other composting Sita U K Ltd Packington Landfill Site, Packington Lane, Little Packington, Meriden, Warwickshire Green garden waste only 15570.10
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery The Coventry & Solihull Waste Disposal Company Ltd The Coventry & Solihull Waste Disposal Company Ltd, Bar Road, West Midlands NA 45407.53
Residual waste Other Method Go Waste U K Ltd 1 High Street, Saltley, Birmingham, West Midlands NA 3390.02
Residual waste Non-hazardous landfill Waste Recycling Group (Central) Limited Bubbenhall Landfill Site, Weston Lane, Bubbenhall, Warwick, West Midlands NA 3293.36
Residual waste RDF, autoclave, MHT or similar A & A Recycling Services Ltd Meriden Quarry, Cornets End Lane, Meriden, Warwickshire NA 2214.98
Residual waste Incineration with energy recovery Multifuel Energy Limited, Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 Ferrybridge Multifuel 2, Stranglands Lane, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire NA 2197.54
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) K S D Recycled Aggregates Ltd Dunton Recycling Centre, Lichfield Road, Dunton, Curdworth, Warickshire Rubble 3799.80
Source segregated recyclate Reprocessor - recycling (qu19) U R M (UK) Limited Headlands Lane, Knottingley, West Yorkshire Mixed glass 2169.81


  1. Authority Type Abreviations:
    • UTA - Unitary Authority
    • DIS - District
    • MTD - Metropolitan District
    • LBO - London Borough
    • CTY - County Council
  2. Source: ONS mid 2018 projection
  3. Source: Ordnance Survey boundry line data 2019
  4. Data initially populated from propriatory database.
  5. These arrangements are for the primary arrangements in an area. Primary is defined as the arrangements given to the most households in an area.
  6. 6.0 6.1 This should detail the Kerbside Collection Scheme operated by the LA e.g. co-mingled, twin stream or source segregated.
  7. Due to the diverse nature of housing stock within a local authority's juristriction most LAs operate secondary collection arrangements to accommodate for this difference in housing e.g. houses, flats etc
  8. Tonnages under 2000 tonnes have been screened out.