
From Wikiwaste


WikiWaste is an online encyclopedia focused on the UK waste and resources industry and has been created and is supported by Monksleigh Limited, a UK based waste management consultancy. WikiWaste is in constant development and as been populated by Monksleigh Limited with Waste Collection Authority and Waste Disposal Authority data along with definitions and information from the public domain and from Monksleigh’s databases. It is the intention to continue to add data progressively via Monksleigh, and those that have signed up to become editors of WikiWaste, with the objective of providing a consolidating platform/library of information freely available to all. Local Authorities will be able to edit and in turn use WikiWaste for Freedom of Information requests and comparisons with other Local Authorities if desired. Businesses will be able to understand what types of arrangements are in place without the need for multiple Freedom of Information requests and other users will be able to understand the market in an accessible and open way. It is intended that WikiWaste will be available to all at no cost, written collaboratory for no pay by authorised editors based upon facts and not opinion, but with anyone free to use the facts to form and publish their own views and opinions elsewhere. Monksleigh will update and add to the website, adding content and further functionality as users make suggestions and further ideas are developed, and provide overall administration.

Types of User

It is also intended that for those that wish to comment or make observations on the data, but do not have editorial control, they will be able to sign up and make such observations in the discussion page, therefore the types of user are:

  • Full editorial (applied for and approved by the administrator)
  • Editorial comment (free to for all to sign up and use)
  • Free to use and read all content for all with no sign up requirements

Where does the data come from?

Local Authority Collected Waste numbers are taken from WasteDataFlow Questions that are answered by the Local Authorities themselves. These questions are:

  • For the Recycling information Q10 (Tonnes of material collected through kerbside schemes from household sources by LA or its contractors) from the question only the 'Tonnage collected for recycling' is used to show the kerbside collected recyclate.
  • For the Collected Waste Q23 - Please provide details of other waste collected for disposal. (The destination of the residual is required for authorities in Wales only.) from the question the 'Collected household waste : Regular Collection Tonnage' is used to show the kerbside collected residual.
  • For Collection Arrangements Q04, Q05, Q06
  • For Chargeable or not, WRAP LA Portal