ACT Efficiency

From Wikiwaste

This numerical value relates to the energy efficiency of an Advanced Conversion Technology for the processing of waste, given as a percentage over a particular period of time.

In order to receive Contract for Difference support, the required ACT Efficiency of the conversion process must be met. The efficiency is calculated using the equation below:

ACT Efficiency =


  • Eproducts bio is the energy (MJ) from Biomass in the Advanced Fuel which is produced from the material to which Ebio relates,
  • Ebio is the energy (MJ) from Biomass in the material from which the Advanced Fuel to which Eproducts bio relates was produced;
  • Einputs bio is any energy (MJ) used in the production of the Advanced Fuel to which Eproducts bio relates.

The ACT Efficiency must exceed the ACT Efficiency Standard of 60% over a specified amount of time known as the ACT Efficiency Period (typically weekly) in order to qualify for CfD support [1].
