EA Waste Interrogater

From Wikiwaste

The EA Waste Interrogater is a tool provided by the EA under an Open Government Conditional Licence (i.e. there are certain conditions that must be followed if you want to use the data) which makes information and data available for those facilities with an Environmental Permit.


The EA Waste Interrogater is the primary means by which the Environment Agency collect and store all of the submitted statutory data that operators of regulated facilities i.e. those with Environmental Permits must collate and return to the EA on a quarterly basis in accordance with the standard Conditions of their Permit. This includes the waste both received in to and removed from their sites.[1]

Types of Sites

The Waste Data Interrogator tool collates data on the amount of waste received and removed from the following types of sites [1]:

  • landfill sites
  • waste transfer sites
  • waste treatment sites
  • energy from waste facilities
  • metal recycling sites
  • sites for disposal in or on land
  • sites with 'use of waste' permits - construction, reclamation and timber manufacturing.

Types of Data

The Waste Data Interrogater record includes four downloads:

  • waste data interrogater tool
  • waste data interrogater data extract
  • waste incinerator returns
  • waste summary tables for England.

The latest available data is from calendar year 2018. The 2019 data will be published at some point during early autumn 2020.

Access to the EA Waste Data Interrogator tool is available in the reference link below.
