Pet Crematoriums

From Wikiwaste

Pets can be cremated either in usual crematories or the ones that are specifically dedicated for pet cremations[1].


Single pet cremation works similarly to human cremation. The pet is exposed to intense heat which effectively turns the body into dust and dried bone[2]. The remains are placed and processed thrrough a cremulator which breaks down any bone fragments[2]. After the process, other materials are removed (such as surgicals pins, tags, broken pieces of collars and other metal objects) from the dust mainly by the use of magnets.

Finally the cremains are pulverised to get a coarse sand-like powder with uniform consistency. These ashes are then poured in a sealed bag, cardboard box, or tin and returned to the owner[1].

The time for cremation depends on the type of pet, for instance, cremation of smaller animals such as birds, mice, rabbits, hamsters etc does not take long[1].On the other hand, larger animals such as horses, large breeds of dog etc are cremated in hours. On average cremation of a pet may take 45 mins - 2 hours[1].
