Tanhouse Farm MRF

From Wikiwaste

Tanhouse Farm MRF
Grundon Waste Management Ltd
Site Location
Site Location

See Qualifying MRF → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Tonnage Summary
Data 2020
EA Tonnage IN 72,261.72
EA Tonnage OUT 70,932.98
Qualifying IN 26,126.72
Qualifying OUT 16,114.76


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Permit Tonnage Received (IN)

Total Tonnage by EWC Code

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit 83440, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was updated on Jan 21 - Dec 21. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 72,261.72t.

EWC Code Description Tonnes In
17 04 07 mixed metals 5.16
17 09 04 mixed construction and demolition wastes other than those mentioned in 17 09 01, 17 09 02 and 17 09 03 270.94
19 12 10 combustible waste (refuse derived fuel) 4,702.60
19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of wastes other than those mentioned in 19 12 11 4,987.24
20 01 01 paper and cardboard 908.30
20 01 02 glass 1,160.30
20 01 08 biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste 1,478.06
20 01 32 medicines other than those mentioned in 20 01 31 17.50
20 01 38 wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37 1,274.46
20 01 40 metals 74.52
20 03 01 mixed municipal waste 50,352.56
20 03 07 bulky waste 7,030.08

Total Tonnage by Origin of EWC Code

The table below shows the same data as the table above, but split according to the origin of each EWC code waste stream entering into the site as reported to the Regulator.

EWC Code Origin of Waste Tonnes In
17 04 07 London 5.16
17 09 04 East of England 1.92
17 09 04 London 255.70
17 09 04 South East 13.32
19 12 10 London 57.38
19 12 10 South East 4,645.22
19 12 12 South East 4,962.78
19 12 12 Wales 24.46
20 01 01 London 380.34
20 01 01 South East 527.96
20 01 02 East of England 2.08
20 01 02 London 937.86
20 01 02 South East 219.80
20 01 02 South West 0.56
20 01 08 East of England 7.44
20 01 08 London 1,042.68
20 01 08 South East 427.94
20 01 32 South East 17.50
20 01 38 East of England 14.70
20 01 38 London 738.34
20 01 38 South East 520.84
20 01 38 West Midlands 0.58
20 01 40 London 49.30
20 01 40 South East 25.22
20 03 01 East Midlands 4.12
20 03 01 East of England 872.87
20 03 01 London 12,629.26
20 03 01 South East 36,820.05
20 03 01 South West 5.32
20 03 01 West Midlands 19.80
20 03 01 Yorks & Humber 1.14
20 03 07 London 226.98
20 03 07 South East 6,803.10

Permit Tonnage Sent Out (OUT)

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit 83440, that has left the site as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was updated on Jan 21 - Dec 21. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 70,932.98t.

EWC Code Description Tonnes In
19 12 01 paper and cardboard 11,570.22
19 12 02 ferrous metal 968.34
19 12 03 non-ferrous metal 240.88
19 12 04 plastic and rubber 1,654.24
19 12 05 glass 7,048.46
19 12 07 wood other than that mentioned in 19 12 06 1,265.00
19 12 10 combustible waste (refuse derived fuel) 46.24
19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of wastes other than those mentioned in 19 12 11 43,808.78
20 01 08 biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste 994.88
20 03 01 mixed municipal waste 3,335.94

Qualifying MRF Tonnage Received

During 2020 the site received 26,127t as qualifying material, as broken down below.

Quarter Supplier Tonnage Number of Samples Total Samples Weight (kg) Glass (%) Metal (%) Paper (%) Plastic (%) Overall (%) Non Target Material (%) Non Recycleable Material (%)
Jan-Mar Grundon Waste Management 974.24 8 522.24 5.81 3.26 50.66 16.81 76.54 11.94 11.52
Jan-Mar Grundon Waste Management 124.22 1 65.28 5.81 3.26 50.66 16.81 76.54 11.94 11.52
Jan-Mar Grundon Waste Management 428.50 4 261.12 5.81 3.26 50.66 16.81 76.54 11.94 11.52
Jan-Mar Grundon Waste Management 579.04 5 326.40 5.81 3.26 50.66 16.81 76.54 11.94 11.52
Jan-Mar Spelthorne 2152.04 18 1194.00 20.03 5.68 54.83 10.89 91.43 2.27 6.30
Jan-Mar Slough 2046.64 17 1121.40 18.33 6.16 48.35 16.33 89.17 4.49 6.34
Jan-Mar Grundon Waste Management 773.14 7 456.96 5.81 3.26 50.66 16.81 76.54 11.94 11.52
Apr-Jun Grundon Waste Management 302.78 3 191.61 3.93 2.58 65.26 12.31 84.08 4.70 11.22
Apr-Jun Slough 2247.48 33 2163.80 21.09 7.29 43.46 16.92 88.76 3.49 7.75
Apr-Jun Grundon Waste Management 362.66 3 191.60 3.93 2.58 65.26 12.31 84.08 4.70 11.22
Apr-Jun Spelthorne 2581.52 32 2093.40 29.20 5.91 47.05 10.54 92.70 1.79 5.51
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 190.20 2 128.40 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 556.82 5 321.00 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Slough 2078.96 31 1995.80 21.67 6.53 45.44 16.42 90.07 3.19 6.74
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 177.68 2 128.40 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Spelthorne 2375.82 28 1857.00 28.59 5.20 49.15 10.19 93.13 1.34 5.53
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 156.26 2 128.40 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 162.48 2 128.40 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 658.72 6 385.20 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 188.26 2 128.40 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Jul-Sep Grundon Waste Management 141.70 2 128.40 5.39 2.85 63.35 13.60 85.19 4.65 10.16
Oct-Dec Grundon Waste Management 182.88 2 131.32 5.25 3.81 56.11 18.12 83.29 5.00 11.71
Oct-Dec Slough 2132.66 27 1809.20 15.93 5.97 52.12 15.46 89.48 3.60 6.92
Oct-Dec Grundon Waste Management 257.28 3 196.98 5.25 3.81 56.11 18.12 83.29 5.00 11.71
Oct-Dec Grundon Waste Management 324.26 3 196.98 5.25 3.81 56.11 18.12 83.29 5.00 11.71
Oct-Dec Grundon Waste Management 641.00 6 393.96 5.25 3.81 56.11 18.12 83.29 5.00 11.71
Oct-Dec Grundon Waste Management 804.04 7 459.62 5.25 3.81 56.11 18.12 83.29 5.00 11.71
Oct-Dec Grundon Waste Management 135.82 2 131.32 5.25 3.81 56.11 18.12 83.29 5.00 11.71
Oct-Dec Spelthorne 2389.62 30 2006.60 18.60 6.58 56.20 12.97 94.35 1.47 4.18

Qualifying MRF Tonnage Sent Out

During 2020 the site removed16,115t of qualifying material, as broken down below.

Quarter Material Tonnage Number of Samples Total Samples Weight Target Material (%) Non Target Material (%) Non Recycleable Material (%)
Apr-Jun Paper 1008.12 32 1741.40 95.59 3.58 0.83
Apr-Jun Glass 686.64 27 410.60 94.89 0.00 5.11
Apr-Jun Metal 58.54 9 210.60 94.78 3.42 1.80
Apr-Jun Plastic 166.50 23 573.80 85.67 12.34 1.99
Apr-Jun Metal 107.08 24 580.20 92.47 5.32 2.21
Apr-Jun Paper 468.96 20 1117.60 85.49 12.74 1.77
Apr-Jun Plastic 92.46 16 426.40 88.18 6.61 5.21
Apr-Jun Paper 321.56 17 954.40 94.62 3.60 1.78
Apr-Jun Plastic 70.48 14 343.40 96.27 2.62 1.11
Jan-Mar Paper 1971.78 34 1811.00 89.97 9.17 0.86
Jan-Mar Metal 44.88 4 89.40 97.54 1.34 1.12
Jan-Mar Plastic 65.44 5 123.60 96.44 1.46 2.10
Jan-Mar Paper 496.20 9 506.00 93.40 4.51 2.09
Jan-Mar Plastic 142.44 10 260.00 91.46 7.00 1.54
Jan-Mar Glass 631.66 13 170.20 92.71 0.00 7.29
Jan-Mar Paper 1022.32 19 1061.40 88.17 10.02 1.81
Jan-Mar Plastic 159.58 12 320.60 87.40 5.49 7.11
Jan-Mar Metal 133.66 8 178.80 92.28 4.25 3.47
Jan-Mar Other notSOM 13.64 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Jul-Sep Plastic 191.96 22 568.60 88.22 10.23 1.55
Jul-Sep Metal 107.60 19 440.60 91.64 4.03 4.33
Jul-Sep Paper 527.94 17 954.20 82.46 15.57 1.97
Jul-Sep Plastic 131.10 17 465.20 87.49 7.48 5.03
Jul-Sep Paper 471.74 19 1065.80 93.66 4.88 1.46
Jul-Sep Plastic 54.70 9 232.80 95.88 3.09 1.03
Jul-Sep Glass 811.44 28 390.40 96.47 0.00 3.53
Jul-Sep Metal 84.70 11 252.80 94.86 3.01 2.13
Jul-Sep Paper 1432.36 41 2224.20 95.36 3.75 0.89
Oct-Dec Metal 49.98 7 169.40 94.57 2.24 3.19
Oct-Dec Paper 1674.44 38 2082.60 93.70 5.35 0.95
Oct-Dec Plastic 173.84 18 456.60 83.75 14.15 2.10
Oct-Dec Metal 139.20 18 448.60 90.90 4.55 4.55
Oct-Dec Paper 702.34 20 1099.80 80.38 16.84 2.78
Oct-Dec Paper 362.82 15 829.60 92.48 4.68 2.84
Oct-Dec Plastic 198.12 22 597.20 67.95 26.02 6.03
Oct-Dec Plastic 57.88 7 174.20 95.52 3.79 0.69
Oct-Dec Glass 1280.66 29 390.20 92.77 0.00 7.23
