Twin Stream Collection

From Wikiwaste

Twin Stream Collection is generally referred to with Dry Recyclables waste collection.

In the case of a Waste Collection Authority this may be via Two Stream Co-mingled (Twin Stream) - where residents are provided with two recycling containers (boxes or bins and occasionally reusable bags) and are asked to place different materials in each container, typically paper/card (i.e. fibre based material) in one and plastics, glass, and cans in the other (i.e. container and '3 dimensional' items). These materials are kept separate either by the use of a vehicle with two separate compartments or in one vehicle which collects each material stream on alternate weekly arrangements. This material is then subsequently sorted at a simple or complex MRF, according to circumstances.

The collection arrangements can vary according to the broader Collection System Design and what specific materials are collected, the containers used, the frequency of collection, and in the case of Household Waste rather than Business Waste, they will also vary according to the way the service is linked to the collection of Food Waste, Green Waste and Residual Waste.