Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating

From Wikiwaste

Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating or WUDS that used certain Persistent Organic Pollutants (also known as POPS) as flame retardants require treatments that destroy them. Thermal treatment via incineration is required to achieve this and the latest guidelines and Regulatory Position Statements (RPS) were issued by the EA on the 19th December, as listed below:

  • Guidance: Manage waste upholstered domestic seating containing POPs[1] (EWC waste code 20 03 07 is to be used)
  • Guidance: Reusing upholstered domestic seating containing POPs[2]
  • RPS 264: Shredding waste upholstered domestic seating containing POPs[3] (requiring shredding in an enclosed building with dust suppression and controls)
  • RPS 265: Temporary storage of waste upholstered domestic seating containing POPs[4]
  • RPS 266: Segregating waste upholstered domestic seating that may contain POPs at HWRCs[5]
