Packaging Waste

Revision as of 14:42, 28 November 2019 by MCWaste (talk | contribs) (Added links)

The Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (as amended) set minimum Recovery (60%) and Recycling (55%) targets for Packaging waste to be met by 31 December 2008, as well as material specific targets.

Material Specific Targets

These material specific targets were:

Member States must continue to meet these minimum standards, but are free to set higher domestic targets if they chose. The provisional figures indicate 70.2% of UK Packaging Waste was either recycled or recovered in 2017 [1]. The mechanism used to deliver evidence and drive the Packaging Waste targets is delivered in the UK through the PRN system.

UK Targets and Progress

Packaging Waste and Recycling/Recovery, split by material, UK 2017 (provisional)[1]
Packaging Waste Arising (kt) Total Recovered/Recycled (kt) Achieved Recovery/Recycling Rate (%) EU Target Recovery/Recycling Rate (%)
Metal 736 525 71.3% 50.0%
of which: Aluminium 177 94 53.1% z
of which: Steel 559 431 77.1% z
Paper and Cardboard 4,749 3,754 79.0% 60.0%
Glass 2,399 1,623 67.6% 60.0%
Plastic 2,260 1,044 46.2% 22.5%
Wood 1,310 411 31.4% 15.0%
Other Materials 23 0 0.0% z
Total (for Recycling) 11,476 7,357 64.1% 55.0%
Energy from Waste z 700 6.1% z
Total (for Recycling and Recovery) 11,476 8,057 70.2% 60.0%

z = Not applicable

Arisings estimates made at point of manufacture.


  1. 1.0 1.1 UK Statistics on Waste 2019 updating some of the 2018 Digest with 2017 data