Packaging Waste

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The Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (as amended) set minimum Recovery (60%) and Recycling (55%) targets for Packaging waste to be met by 31 December 2008, as well as material specific targets.

Material Specific Targets

These material specific targets were:

Member States must continue to meet these minimum standards, but are free to set higher domestic targets if they chose. The provisional figures indicate 70.2% of UK Packaging Waste was either recycled or recovered in 2017 [1]. The mechanism used to deliver evidence and drive the Packaging Waste targets is delivered in the UK through the PRN system.

UK Performance

Packaging Waste and Recycling/Recovery, split by material, UK 2017 (provisional)[1]
Packaging Waste Arising (kt) Total Recovered/Recycled (kt) Achieved Recovery/Recycling Rate (%) EU Target Recovery/Recycling Rate (%)
Metal 736 525 71.3% 50.0%
of which: Aluminium 177 94 53.1% z
of which: Steel 559 431 77.1% z
Paper & Card 4,749 3,754 79.0% 60.0%
Glass 2,399 1,623 67.6% 60.0%
Plastic 2,260 1,044 46.2% 22.5%
Wood 1,310 411 31.4% 15.0%
Other Materials 23 0 0.0% z
Total (for Recycling) 11,476 7,357 64.1% 55.0%
Energy from Waste z 700 6.1% z
Total (for Recycling and Recovery) 11,476 8,057 70.2% 60.0%

z = Not applicable

Arisings estimates made at point of manufacture.

UK Targets [2]

Material or Process 2017 (%) 2018 (%) 2019 (%) 2020 (%)
General Recovery 79 80 81 82
General Recycling 92 92 92 92
Paper & Card 69.5 71 73 75
Glass 77 78 79 80
Aluminium 55 58 61 64
Steel 76 79 82 85
Plastic 51 53 55 57
Wood 22 38 43 48

The glass remelt target has stayed the same in the glass obligation at 67%.

The recycling factor which is multiplied by turnover to calculate the obligation for small producers has stayed the same at 30%
