Qualifying Material Recovery Facilities
A list of Material Recovery Facilities that qualify under the MRF Code of Practice, as reported by the Environment Agencies of England and Wales.
Scotland and Northern Ireland to follow when available.
Below is a list of those facilities that qualify under the MRF Code of Practice. The data comes from the Environment Agency as well as Natural Resources Wales. Further detail on each site and the tonnage handled is available by following the link for each site below.
The 97 sites listed received 3,860,737 tonnes of material that are captured under the MRF Code of Practice (often termed 'qualifying material') in 2020, with the largest 27 sites (over 50,000 tonnes received and 28% of the total) receiving over 2,863,757 (74% of the total). Each page by site also lists total tonnage received and sent out, which in some cases is substantially higher than the 'qualifying material' listed, reflecting other activity/waste types handled under the permit.
Scottish and Northern Irish sites will follow when available.
List of Facilities